miércoles, 12 de octubre de 2011


Amazing videos!!!

What happens to our animals =(

The ingenuity of the human...

A bit of motocross

X-Games The Enduro mens 2011.

Presentation of Colombia in the X-games.

Talent show.
Fashion Show "Dany Escobar"


And finally a bit of poetry.


Love Is a endless feeling of happiness.

Doesn't have to be a person you love,
it could be something you do or eat
that you love doing or love eating that, makes you happy.
But this type of love is very different then when you love someone,
loving someone is more complex.
You can tell anyone you love them and that's why you should never say I love you to a person first ,
but let your heart say it for you.
When your heart tells some one he loves them that's truly something special because no one can fake that feeling you make the person you love feel.
Your heart only saids I love you to that someONE.
Let your heart speak first then let your words reassure the person that you truly love them in and out no matter what.
Words are really powerful when it comes to love,
words hurt more then death it's self.
words from your love can turn you from the toughest guy/girl to the weakest guy/girl in this planet .
At the same time turn you from being miserable to feeling like a princess/king in the warmth of it's words.
The words from a true love.
That is why you should really take your time choosing this person. Love is one of the best feelings in the world and at the same time one of the worst.
It's a two bladed knife.
That if you let you heart do the choosing and not the your physical attracting do the choosing
And you'll only feel the beauty of falling in love and having someone at your side whom you love and loves you.

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